In this video, we learn how to create a modern and user-friendly supermarket app using SwiftUI.
Our app features a sleek interface where users can view product categories and details.
The ContentView component contains the navigation and tab bar configurations, while the MainView component creates the main view and product grid.
The DetailView component shows the details of the selected product.
Data management and sample data sets are defined in the Model Data.swift file.
Code Analysis
ContentView is the main view component.
Tab bar icons, selected tab status and general structure of the view are defined.
Navigation and background colours are defined using NavigationStack and ZStack.
The tab bar is represented by four icons (home, bell, basket, person) and organised in HStack.
ForEach and onTapGesture were used to switch between tabs.
Model Data.swift:
Category and product models are defined.
Category and Product structures represent the data to be used in the application.
Both structures adopt Identifiable and Hashable protocols.
The data is created as an example and structured to be used.
DetailView shows the details of a specific product.
It displays product information by taking the category parameter.
The product image, name and price are organised in detail in VStack.
MainView creates the main view of the application.
It provides transition to detail view with NavigationLink.
Navigation functionality is provided between products and categories.
Using LazyVGrid, products are displayed in a two-column grid layout.
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Platform: IOS17+
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