Apple Reminder Clone App | SwiftUI Tutorial - Early Access
33 hafta önce | Mobile App Template
Welcome to our SwiftUI tutorial! In this video, we will guide you through creating an Apple Reminder Clone app using SwiftUI. Let's dive into the code! Setting Up the Project: - Open Xcode and create a new SwiftUI project. - Name your project "ReminderApp" and set the interface to SwiftUI. Creating the Main View: - Start by creating the ContentView where we'll display buttons to add reminders. - Use a NavigationStack to manage the navigation flow. Adding Buttons and Actions: - Add buttons for "New Reminder" and "Add List". - Implement actions for each button. Implementing the New Reminder View: - Create a new SwiftUI view named NewReminderView. - Use NavigationStack to manage navigation within this view. Customizing the Reminder Item: - Define the model for reminder items using ObservableObject. - Create a view model to manage the reminders. Adding Navigation and Details: - Implement navigation to a detail view. - Customize the detail view to show reminder information. Final Touches and Testing: - Add any final customizations and polish the UI. - Test the app to ensure everything works as expected. Platform: IOS17+ 🔔 Subscribe: Don't forget to subscribe to SwiftUICodes for more tutorials and templates! 💡 Get Source Code 👇
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