Hello friends! In today’s video, you will learn how you can create a basic project using SwiftUI, how you can add user notifications to your project, how you can create the necessary infrastructure for notifications, and finally how you can get notification permission from users.
Here are the main topics in our video:
Creating a Basic Project with SwiftUI: First, we’ll create a SwiftUI project in Xcode. In this step, you’ll learn how to create the basic building blocks of our project.
Adding a Notification Library: I’ll show you step by step how to add UNUserNotificationCenter, a library you can use to manage user notifications, to our project.
Creating Notification Infrastructure: We will create the infrastructure for user notifications. In this step, you will learn when to send notifications and with what content.
Asking Users for Notification Permission: Finally, we’ll look at how you can ask users for notification permission and how you can manage the options for users to allow or deny.
In this video, you will learn how to create a powerful notification system with SwiftUI with our step-by-step guide. If you want to learn more about this topic, don’t forget to watch the video. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and like my video so you can help me produce more content.