Send Button Animation and Effects with SwiftUI
22 hafta önce | Animation and Effect Send Button Animation

In this video, we explore how to create a visually appealing Send Button Animation using SwiftUI.

This project features advanced SwiftUI animations, including a rotating circle, smooth transitions, scaling effects, and more.

Perfect for developers looking to enhance their UI/UX with beautiful, interactive buttons.

Platform: IOS17+

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What You’ll Learn:
- How to animate buttons using withAnimation and Timer in SwiftUI.
- Creating smooth scaling and rotation effects for UI elements.
- Combining multiple animations like circle rotation, opacity, and scaling.
- Leveraging SwiftUI state variables to control animation flow.

Featured Code:
- RotateCircle.swift: Handles the circle animation with rotation and scaling.
- ContentView.swift: The main view that orchestrates the send button animation.
- Tick.swift: Custom tick animation displayed after the send action is completed.
- SendView.swift: Combines the button animations, including text changes and circle movement.

Get ready to level up your SwiftUI animation skills! If you love interactive UI elements, this project is for you.

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