SwiftUI AirDrop Animation - Create Stunning Animations in Swift! 🚀
23 hafta önce | Component AirDrop Animation

Welcome to this exciting SwiftUI tutorial where we'll create a fully animated AirDrop feature! Learn how to simulate real-time file transfers with interactive progress bars, flashing effects, and glowing success messages - all within SwiftUI! 🌟

Platform: IOS17+

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🔹 What you will learn:
Create interactive UI elements like buttons and avatars in SwiftUI
Create animated progress indicators with smooth transitions
Manage application state with @State and @StateObject to monitor file transfer progress
Add eye-catching effects such as flashing avatars and twinkling success messages

Code Analysis:
ContentView.swift: Acts as the entry point for the application, displaying the AirDropView and enforcing a dark color scheme.

AirDropView.swift: Manages the UI for the AirDrop animation. It includes states for showing the progress circle, blinking effects, and a shimmer effect upon completion. Users can restart the process, and the avatar and progress animations are presented through various SwiftUI views.

AirDropViewModel.swift: Handles the business logic of the AirDrop animation, including the file transfer process, managing states like waiting, transferring, and completed. It simulates the progression of the file transfer with async operations, updating the progress state accordingly.

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Don't miss the opportunity to create your own SwiftUI animations - press play and start coding now! 😎

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