Moving Button Animation with SwiftUI | Moving Dash Phase Button
25 hafta önce | Animation Moving Dash Phase Button

In this video, you will learn how you can create an attention-grabbing and animated button design with SwiftUI! 🚀 

Platform: IOS17+

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This special component called ‘MovingDashPhaseButton’ offers a moving border animation that responds to user interactions.

📚 What You Will Learn In This Video:
Create layered interfaces using ZStack in SwiftUI.

Modern and stylised button designs with RoundedRectangle.
Control animations and respond to user interactions with @State.

Bring your UI components to life with gradient colour transitions and animated borders.

🛠️ Tips for App Developers:
Discover how to make your buttons more dynamic to enhance the user experience.

Customise your animations using the withAnimation function and take your UI one step further!

ContentView Structure:
This structure is the main view and contains a custom button component called MovingDashPhaseButton.

MovingDashPhaseButton Structure:
This structure provides a button design that includes an animated border (stroke) around the button.

@State private var isMoving = false: This state variable controls the animation of the border.

ZStack: The background and border of the button component are stacked on top of each other.

The first RoundedRectangle forms the background of the button and is coloured with a gradient style.

The second RoundedRectangle forms the animated border and the border moves according to the button's isMoving state.

Animation: When the user presses the button, the border moves animatedly with the defined ‘dashPhase’ value.

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