VPN App UI 2 Full Code
27 hafta önce | Mobile App Template VPN App

Hello technology lovers! 🎉 

Today we want to share with you the user interface we designed for a great VPN application. 📲

Platform: IOS17+

► Website: 
► https://swiftuicodes.net

► X Platform
► https://x.com/swiftuicodes

► Instagram
► http://instagram.com/swiftuicodes

✨ Important Points:

🇺🇸 Country Models: Give your users quick access to their favourite countries with dynamic and customisable country lists.

💥 Haptic Feedback: Enrich user interactions with haptic feedback to provide a great user experience in your app.

🎨 Home Screen Design: Get ready to impress your users with a modern, aesthetic and functional home screen design.

🌟 Premium Options: Increase the value of your app by offering various premium subscription options to your users.

🌍 VPN Server List: List VPN servers from different countries and let your users choose easily. You can offer more server options with premium features.

Code Structure:

ModelData.swift: Defines country models and the properties associated with these models.

HapticFeedback.swift: Contains functions to provide haptic feedback in response to user interactions.

HomeView.swift: The basic view that makes up the home screen. Allows users to manage VPN connection and upgrade to premium.

ContentView.swift: Defines the start screen of the app by combining the main views.

CountryViewModel.swift: ViewModel structure used to load and search for countries.

PremiumView.swift: Defines the screen where premium subscription options are presented.

vpnListView.swift: It is used to load and display country-based VPN servers. State and AppStorage are used to manage information such as user selection and premium subscription status. There is an option to switch to premium features.

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