Inner Peace with Calm App Interface | SwiftUI Tutorial
7 hafta önce | Mobile App Template Calm App

Are you seeking a way to reduce stress and find a moment of tranquility in your busy life? Look no further than the Calm app. Designed to help you unwind, relax, and focus, Calm offers a range of features that cater to your mental well-being.


What will you learn?


- Smooth navigation within the app.

Layered Design with ZStack:

- Create stunning backgrounds and skins.

Custom Titles:

- Add personalised titles with images and text.

Gradient Backgrounds:

- Apply circular gradient backgrounds for a modern look.

Interactive Buttons:

- Design round, shaded buttons for navigation.

Glassmorphism Effect:

- Integrate a stylish blur effect using UIViewRepresentable and UIKit components.

Our yoga app interface is designed to deliver a calm and visually appealing user experience.

Platform: IOS17+

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